
My Mission

The acceleration towards, and creation of a super intelligence. This is not to directly create a super intelligence, as I believe that to be the slowest possible route we could take, but instead, create a self-improving, non-human biased, artificial intelligence, capable of progressing itself into superintelligence.

I am also interested in and am pursuing a variety of other technologies, some related to artificial intelligence, such as CRISPR optimization, autonomous robots, a magnetic/kinetic energy powered space propulsion mechanism, Covid 19/other viral/bacterial threat detection and elimination, and a variety of other projects. My major focus however is on the self improving emergent artificial intelligence, as once that has advanced to the appropriate level of sophistication, all the other items I’m pursuing will better solved by it than I can otherwise do using my efforts alone.

Trevor Chandler

With over 150 completed technology projects across 65 companies, 13 world’s firsts achievements in artificial intelligence and automation, led 4 of his companies to acquisition,  and a key player in over 40 government contracts, some ranging up to values in the billions (3.55 Billion – Enhanced View), Trevor Chandler is a world class expert with an incredible skill of visualizing new approaches and new ideas and making them a reality. Much more than just a creator of hypothesis, Trevor takes his ideas from concept to marketable products.

Why our current approach is not resulting in super intelligence.

Our current scientific method was established around 1620AD, 400 years ago, and although it continues applicability to human beings tackling problems quite well, it is dreadfully out of sync with the capabilities of today’s technology. The application of the traditional scientific method to our current technology results in a massive limitation of the potential of the technology to provide useful and relevant output and instead acts as a filter mapped to humanistic thought patterns and workflows. Below, the size of the stacked squares represent their potential. With the current scientific method, as we progress through the process, we continually block more opportunities for the artificial intelligence to do all the things machines do better than humans, i.e., deal with large amounts of data, explore massive variety of combinations, apply different approaches to problems, etc… therefore, the squares get smaller as the process continues. The opposite occurs with the new method, as the potential to solve the problem and make discoveries greatly increases with each step of the process. My research has led to the creation of an artificial intelligence that overcomes the problems that currently limit our ability to make huge leaps towards super intelligence. If you’d like to see my system in action or take a deeper look at any of my research, please contact me. You may be asking, “What does this do for me?”, and that is a question that requires a better understanding of your objectives. However, at a high level, I can tell you, this approach solves problems in ways humans may, or may never, think of. It’s simply not limited by our bias to process, approach, hypothesis, etc… and therefore, can achieve things in ways we might not imagine. In addition, my latest versions actually reproduce themselves creating one or many instances after variating the objectives to fully discover and achieve superior results. Afterall, if we don’t know the actions to solve our objectives, then perhaps we also have missed the proper stating of the objectives.

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